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Play the chirality game #

- What does chiral mean?

- What is a chiral molecule?

A chiral molecule is non-superimposable on its mirror image. That is, whichever way you turn it, it will never be the same as its mirror image. In this little game you are to decide which objects are chiral and which ones are not!

# Source “© Chirality - Chemistry 2001". Nobelprize.org. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2022. < http://nobel-external-educationalgames-app.azurewebsites.net/educational/chemistry/chiral />

Nature is chiral . . .

Chiralpedia provides online educational resource for Chiral Science in particular stereochemistry, drug chirality, chiral synthesis, separation, analysis and chiral materials. This site is meant for academia (faculty, research scholar, and students who are novice to the field of chiral technology) and industry as target audience. Chiralpedia is continuously updated to keep pace with chiral science.

Chirally Yours,

Valliappan Kannappan